It’s no wonder our canine companions have rightly earned the title “Man’s Best Friend”. The domesticated dog has proven time and time again to be an invaluable tool in our everyday lives. The dog has been credited with saving countless human lives and preventing numerous unimaginable tragedies. They have evolved along side man, through the years, becoming the noble creatures and companions of present times.
When most think of working dogs, usually the first thoughts that come to mind, are the canines that serve as law enforcement officers. These canines amazingly protect their human partners but also actively pursue the criminal element. This past spring, a deputy sheriff in Mississippi was ambushed on a routine traffic stop. The canine officer leapt into action and fought off 3 assailants – undoubtedly saving his human partner’s life. Indeed, there are numerous accounts of heroic behavior by these canine law enforcement officers, and all they ask in return is a rub between the ears and maybe a tasty treat. As a veterinarian, I and my colleagues have the privilege of providing healthcare to the amazing animals of the Holly Springs Police Department. Recently, Dr. Jennifer Kelly of Holly Springs Veterinary Hospital diagnosed officer “Storm” with a rare condition. In collaboration with the Veterinary Speciality Hospital, treatment lead to the successful return of officer “Storm” to active duty. We truly enjoy observing this unique bond between the human officer and their canine partner.
Although law enforcement employs many of our working canines, it goes without saying, canines play many additional roles in our society. My alma mater, Auburn University, is a leader in the research and instruction of “VaporWake” detection canines. These working canines are future front-line terrorism fighters. Their unique training makes them the most sensitive means available for the detection of explosives. With all the high-tech devices in existence, the canine nose is still the most effective and accurate means for detection.
Now, their astonishing noses also can detect other substances as well. Their amazing bravery has been showcased by traversing some of the harshest environments and conditions to find and rescue lost and injured people. Just imagine, these fearless creatures rushing head first into states of natural and man-made disasters to save human lives – and it is all in a day’s work. The search-and-rescue dogs of 911 were all national heroes. Matter of fact, the last surviving rescue dog to work on 9/11 – pulling survivors from the rubble – was treated to a hero’s welcome as she celebrated her 16th birthday by returning to New York City.
Another well-know working canine is the seeing eye dog. How incredible a role this valuable canine plays in enriching the lives of their person. This service dog can significantly aid in providing independence and dignity for those in need. Canines for the hearing impaired also play a pivotal role. They can alert their owner when a phone rings, a car is coming or to the sound of a fire alarm. Another service dog aids the physically disabled with everyday tasks such as unloading the dishwasher and getting out of bed. It’s truly amazing how much they give everyday and ask nothing in return other than our affection.
Continued research is being forged everyday into the astounding insight dogs have into our physiology. There is building evidence that some dogs are able to detect certain cancers and diseases within our bodies before they have been detected by traditional means. Then there are the canines that can “sense” a seizure before it happens in their epileptic owners. Therapy canines are becoming more and more common place as we continue to discover all the many ways man’s best friend can benefit our lives. Allergy alert dogs will even prevent a severely allergic child from entering a room where peanuts have previously been – truly phenomenal, just think of the lives that have been saved.
Obviously I could ramble on for days about all the jobs our canine companions perform. There are so many ways dogs give back to us and ask so little in return. I have failed to mention one of my favorite jobs they willingly fulfill and I have intentionally saved it for last – the job of snuggler. They lovingly greet us after a day’s work and would love nothing more than to snuggle on the couch and have their ears scratched.