Holly Springs often receives accolades for everything from being the safest town in North Carolina, to ranking among the best places to live in the state. People who live in Holly Springs re... Read more
It’s no secret that the real estate market is a “seller’s market” right now all over the country. Low interest rates are making it more affordable than ever to become a homeowner. It’s even... Read more
July 4, 2021. It was a bright, sunny southern California day. Clouds scattered across the sky. The roar of the crowd echoed throughout the stadium. For one young man from Holly Springs, Nor... Read more
Have you noticed the new banner hanging on the fence by the tennis courts at Ting Park? It reads: USTA League, 2021 USTA North Carolina, Adult 18 & over, 3.0 Women State Champions. That’... Read more
On a chilly February morning, I packed my car with my photography gear, grabbed my coffee and set out for a planned day in the field. The location I was venturing out to was just short of th... Read more
The process for becoming a parent takes nine months. We wait and have all of these dreams and ideas about who our child is going to be. What they’re going to be like. So when your child has... Read more
Does a good night’s sleep seem like a dream for you? I get it. I was that guy who, in my 20s, bragged about how I could drink a double espresso and go right to sleep. Now, when I have a coup... Read more
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Daniel Dhers Action Sports Complex The Holly Springs Industrial Park has some hidden gems. On the “newer” side is the Daniel Dhers Action Sports Complex, which opened back in 2014. The comp... Read more
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