Winter in the Carolinas is expected to be colder and wetter than recent years. Colder temperatures and icy conditions create a potentially dangerous situation on the road and in your home. B... Read more
We’ve reached that time of year when everyone starts to argue again about the best choice. No, I’m not talking about the Presidential election, Black Friday or your child’s wish list for ho... Read more
It’s hard to believe that 9/11 was fifteen years ago. The New York City skyline changed, as did every American’s way of life. Nearly 3,000 people died that day, and since then many brave Ame... Read more
She greets me with an enthusiastic wave from a high top table in the Holly Springs Cultural Center’s lobby. I have in my arms a small stack of library books to return and she comments on one... Read more
I was driving on Avent Ferry road last week when something happened behind be that prompted me to take to the magazine and address it. Behind me was a young driver bobbing his head at a rate... Read more
The Holly Springs Cultural Arts Center recently had four of its performing arts programs join together to perform on the Disney Stage at Disney World!! For their efforts they received a Dis... Read more
You met Fred Maina, 18, several months ago in our magazine in an article profiling local foreign exchange students. Fred was the ambitious, spirited teen who earned straight-As at HSHS and a... Read more
Mold is natural to the environment and found everywhere. There are hundreds of thousands of species of mold and fungus, but not all are bad. In some cases, mold is beneficial. Penicillin for... Read more
Similar to the baseball adage made famous by the 1989 Kevin Costner film Field of Dreams, the Town of Holly Springs has undergone its own process of creating a local home for our national pa... Read more
Children know her as The Book Lady. Volunteer Jeanne Romeo maintains a carefully curated, 3-shelf bookcase in the front room of the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. When families show up to pick... Read more
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