Did you realize that Holly Springs is home to one of the fastest growing clubs in one of the oldest and largest civic service organizations in the United States? As our community experiences rapid growth in population, the scope and depth of need in the community increase as well. Fortunately for Holly Springs, business owners, civic leaders, and other interested residents have answered that call and are joining the Kiwanis Club of Holly Springs.
Many people have heard the name “Kiwanis” but may not be entirely familiar with the goals and mission of the organization. In short, Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Local clubs look out for their communities, and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as disease and poverty. Clubs are generally regarded for their generous dedication of time, creative ideas and passion for making a difference—all while having fun along the way.
Kiwanis and its family of clubs—nearly 600,000 members strong—annually raise more than US$100 million and dedicate more than 18 million volunteer hours to strengthen communities and serve children. Members of every age attend regular meetings, experience fellowship, raise funds for various causes and participate in service projects that help their communities. Members also make an impact throughout the world by participating in Kiwanis International’s new global campaign for children, The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus.
Identifying and supporting the needs of children in, and around Holly Springs is the primary focus of the Kiwanis Club of Holly Springs. This locally-focused application of the broader international mission of Kiwanis is aptly suited for the vibrant young demographic that is exploding in Southwestern Wake County. The Millennial Impact Project is a comprehensive study which set out to understand the Millennial generation and their involvement with causes. In the study, researchers found that nearly, “85 percent of [millennials] gave charitably in 2014 and 70 percent volunteered. “ Furthermore, “Seventy-seven percent of millennials reported they’re more likely to volunteer when they can use their specific skills to benefit a charity or cause, which indicates a desire to maximize their philanthropic impact. “
As more young families move to this area, the increase in giving back through established organizations such as Kiwanis should come as no surprise. The vibrant Holly Springs club has seen an increase in membership in excess of 800% since 2013 and was recently recognized at the annual Carolinas District of Kiwanis Convention for their incredible year-over-year membership growth.
Locally, the members of the Holly Springs club have devoted thousands of hours in leading efforts to recognize students through the Terrific Kids program, distributing free dictionaries to third-graders, honoring outstanding educators with Terrific Teachers awards, celebrating youth through the hosting of the annual “Kids Appreciation Day” festival and much more. The club also provides guidance and oversight to hundreds of local high schoolers who participate in Key Club, a community service organization which is one of several Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) which operate under the Kiwanis banner.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about community service opportunities through the local Kiwanis Club can find more information online at HollySpringsKiwanis.org or Facebook.com/HSKiwanis
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the every month at Devil’s Ridge Golf Club. Visitors are welcome to attend.