Since its formation in 2018 as an initiative of the Holly Springs Rotary Club, LaunchHOLLYSPRINGS (LHS) has been laser focused on developing a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in Holly Springs. The mission has been and continues to be one that helps create a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem with a focus on supporting those with the least access to the resources they need.
Over 90% of the businesses that have completed this free, four-part program are still in business and contributing to our Town. More than 50% have opened retail space, expanded offerings, and/or added employees. The majority are what we call “main street businesses” like retailers, consultants, food and beverage businesses like caterers and bakers, photographers, gift shops, counseling services and tutors, and other businesses that make our community work.
The 2023-2024 season has been a monumental time for LHS. First, we built a closer relationship with the Town of Holly Springs, earning both a community grant and a matching grant that will help us continue our important work. “Entrepreneurship and small businesses are the core driving force of our local economy. Small businesses create a sense of place, community, and our unique local flavor,” says Town Manager Randy Harrington. “That is why the Town supports LaunchHollySprings.”
LHS accepted its first major, single year gift when AMGEN signed on as a presenting sponsor. Corporate support like this positions the program for future growth. In May 2024, LHS graduated 23 entrepreneurs representing 20 businesses in its seventh cohort, bringing the total alumni to over 130.
Finally, LHS continues to grow in complexity with 14 leadership team members, new program offerings, and a 501(c)3 organization designation. “Today, LHS is a great example of how Holly Springs Rotary is meeting one of its core values of local economic development,” says LHS Program Manager and Rotarian Bob Shimmel.
Applications for the 2024-2025 LHS cohort will be accepted until August 11. The cohort will include up to 20 entrepreneurs that are accepted based on a three-step, competitive process: application, mandatory information session, and interview.
A series of LHS graduate testimonials can be found on our website, Feel free to look at our LaunchHollySprings Facebook page.
LaunchHOLLYSPRINGS includes 10 weeks of training focused on business strategy, planning, and financial management, followed by six months of working with a mentor matched to help with the critical needs to make their business successful. It bridges the gap between ideas and dreams and business success. LaunchHOLLYSPRINGS enjoys a coordinated partnership with the Holly Springs Rotary Club, Wake Tech Community College, the Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Holly Springs, and the Trive Co-Working Station.