The Holly Springs Masonic Lodge is a benevolent and social organization deeply rooted in the development of the Holly Springs community since the completion of the Lodge building, ca. 1852. The Lodge’s earliest members were some of the community’s most prominent citizens, including local politicians, educators, ministers, and doctors. However, Lodge membership extends to men of all social standings.
The Holly Springs Masonic Lodge is the oldest Lodge and school building in Wake County, and is still used today for meetings and community events. The Lodge began providing services to its members and to the community around 1858, when members allowed vacancies in the building to be filled by the orphans of deceased Civil War Lodge members. After the Civil War, the Lodge served as one of the first schools for women in Wake County. They also later rented the first floor of the Lodge to the Wake County Health Department for polio vaccinations, churches, schools, the Red Cross, and the Girl Scouts.
During the twentieth century, local charitable efforts in Holly Springs were led by individuals, churches, the Woman’s School Betterment Association, and predominantly, the Holly Springs Masonic Lodge. During World War I, the Lodge invested funds in war bonds and assisted with the fundraising effort to construct a building at Camp Sevier for soldiers. During WWII, the Lodge contributed funds to the United War Fund and the American Red Cross. During the Korean War it began a tradition of giving gifts to the families and widows of Masons in the Holly Springs area.
Today, the Masonic Lodge continues to provide support to the local community and dedicates itself to the principles of charity to many organizations. Following in the tradition of charity, the Lodge has continued to issue scholarships to Holly Springs’ young students pursuing two and four year college degrees. They also continue to support the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Along with the local charities they support, the Lodge has always helped support the Children’s Masonic Home in Oxford, NC, and Whitestone in Greensboro, NC. In addition to charitable contributions, the Lodge participates in numerous local events, including HollyFest, the Farmers Market, Holly Springs Founders Day and the Christmas Parade.
If you want to find out how to “Make Good Men Better” and to perform good deeds for our community, please visit our Lodge and get to know us! We are always happy to welcome interested people. As we grow the membership of the lodge, we can do more to help the community. We invite you to come see what we’re all about. You can also reach us by visiting our website at www.hs115.org.
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So Mote It Be