Pine Springs Middle School – Under Construction
It was last year when we talked about a proposal for Pine Springs Middle School in the magazine. That project is now under construction. Although the entrance is off North Main Street, the property goes all the way to Highway 55. The address is 1729 N. Main Street. The school will be 3 stories, house 21 class rooms, and will be 68,000 square feet. Pine Springs Prep is a charter school open to any resident of North Carolina. Priority enrollment for the public lottery ends on January 31, 2021, at 11:59pm. All applications received after 11:59p.m. on January 31, 20201 will be time-stamped and added, in time-stamped order, to the wait-list for the selected grade and will not be chosen by random selection in the lottery.

Stephens Tract – Under Construction
The clearing has begun for Stephens Tract. The 56-acre design includes 292 housing units and 696 parking spaces. The project is being developed by Mungo Homes.

The Nutrition Fix – New
The Nutrition Fix (TNF) offers healthy meal replacement shakes that are low in calories, carbs, and sugar. They have flavorful teas that are made to boost metabolism and energy levels while being completely sugar free. TNF opened in late October by Chelsea and Robert Johnson, who are Holly Springs locals and the parents of two young boys. They are excited to get involved with the community by attending local events (soon hopefully) and hosting fundraisers.
Active Tracks – Approved
Active Tracks has been in Holly Springs for years. They are looking forward to breaking ground on a new building in late December or early January. The new facility will be at 1004 North Main Street in Holly Springs, just down from their current location on Quantum Street. The 7,550 square-foot building will be divided, with a separate 1,500 square-foot space being leased to a retailer. The Active Tracks facility will include a gym and an outdoor playground. Active Tracks prides themselves on being a non-electronics zone for kids. The camp kids stay busy though physical activity and creative challenges to help them grow mentally and physically. In addition to track-out camp, they also offer before and after school care. www.activetrackscamp.com
Avent Ferry Road
There’s been a lot going on down Avent Ferry Road lately. Currently, the widening project is underway from Hwy 55 to Cass Holt Road (about 3,600 feet). There’s been a lot of building going on down that way as well. Stonemont, Holly Pointe II, Mills at Avent Ferry, Bridgeberry I, II, and II, and Lockridge are all now off Avent Ferry between Braxton Village and New Hill Hollman Road. They are all in different phases of construction with some done, some almost done, and some still building. In total, there are 964 new homes that have been built, or are approved to be built down Avent Ferry Road.

Holly Pointe

